
She / Her - 24
I'm an artist and content creator who spends most of their free time trying to relax.
I'm a very big fan of Red Pandas!
Do not contact me on Discord unless you are someone I know or are interested in my services.



Email : [email protected]
Discord username : n3onassassin

Art Commissions

As of right now, I'm not taking any commissions.Do not ask for free art, you will be blocked.

Voice Acting

If you'd like to acquire me for some voice acting / voice over, you can contact me through my email or on Discord.


This page contains information about all of my characters, including references.You are free to draw my characters in SFW art only. You can NOT draw SUGGESTIVE or NSFW art of my characters without my permission.

Dedgy Outpine

He / Him / Age : 23
Cis Male / Heterosexual
Dedgy is a delinquent who loves to brawl with his metal baseball bat and paint up the streets with his graffiti. His optimal method of getting around is with parkour as it lets him get in & out of places he shouldn't be.

Delia Heartstone

She / Her / Age : 21
Cis Woman / Bisexual
Delia is very energetic and enjoys most sports, her favourite mode of transport is her skateboard. She acts as cute as she can on a regular basis.

Rhine Olivine

He / Him / Age : 24
Trans Man / Heterosexual
Rhine is an explorer, he loves to wander the land looking for unique places to visit and find interesting looking rocks. His favourite places are caves and forests.

Elina Larch

She / Her / Age : 22
Cis Woman / Heterosexual
Elina adores nature, spending her time admiring all the unique plants that she can find. She also works in a small café at a local park where she serves coffee.

Tyler Vaulton

They / Them / Age : 23
Cis Male / Homosexual
Tyler is a warrior in training, their weapons of choice are the Guandao and War Scythe. They tend of slack off in training as they prefer to practice alone in the nearby forest.

Jaisu Inkquill

He / Him / Age : 27
Cis Male / Heterosexual
Jaisu is a defence attorney who is quite rude at all times, even towards the Judge. He prides himself on his ability to scare witnesses into speaking the truth.

Skylar Blackthorn

They / Them / Age : 21
Trans Woman / Bisexual
Skylar is a thief who slips by the police every time with what seems to be like magic. They do all their thefts in style while leaving a thank you note every time.

Hyde Walleye

She / Her / Age : 25
Cis Woman / Heterosexual
Hyde is a sailor who spends most of her time fishing on their small ship called 'The Anchored Fort'. She wishes to catch exquisite fish of which haven't been seen before.

Izyda Moonstone

She / Her / Age : 25
Cis Woman / Homosexual
Izyda is a scientist who loves to experiment, she loves the different chemical reactions and unique substances which can be created. However she does this all in secret as she just a self claimed scientist.

Kyla Wardite

He / Him / Age : 22
Cis Male / Homosexual
Kyla is a jeweller in practice who works in the back of the store, keeping the gems clean and neatly stored. He spends his free time searching for gems or burying his head in books of such gemstones.


This page contains artwork created by myself as well as some commissions / gifts, with credit to the artists who made them.

Created by N3on

Purchased Commissions

Art Trades
